Stainless Steel


Stainless steel, known for their remarkable resistance to corrosion and oxidation, are indispensable in many industries.

Due to their different metallurgical properties, stainless steels are classified into several grades, each with distinct weldability and specific challenges during welding :

  • Austenitic steel : sensitive to hot cracking and intergranular corrosion.
  • Ferritic steel : prone to 475°C embrittlement and loss of mechanical properties if overheated.
  • Martensitic steel : Sensitive to cold cracking
  • Duplex steels : vulnerable to 475°C embrittlement and loss of mechanical properties if overheated.
  • Precipitation hardening (PH) steels : may present similar complications due to their austenitic, semi-austenitic, or martensitic nature.

When welding stainless steels, the appropriate use of electrodes and welding wires is crucial for ensuring high-quality welds. Each type of stainless steel requires specific electrodes and welding wires to avoid common issues such as cracking, embrittlement, and loss of mechanical properties. Additionally, all grades of stainless steels are susceptible to weld discoloration and heat-affected zone (HAZ) oxidation, which reduces corrosion resistance. Therefore, it is crucial to follow proper welding procedures and select the right filler metal to ensure weld integrity.

Do you want to learn more about welding stainless steels, using electrodes and welding wires, and how to prevent corrosion ? Contact us now for specialized advice and tailored solutions !

Solutions available in:

Covered electrodes
Covered electrodes
Solid wire
Solid wire
Flux cored wire
Flux cored wire